Printer fix script – Quickly clear print queues and restart print spooler

printer fix script

Printers are the bain of any helpdesk engineer, or actually any one in IT in general!

Here is a quick printer fix script to help:

Whilst basic, (restart spooler and clear all print queues) it does in our office, at least, clear 99% of printer issues.

Copy and paste the below to a batch file (file extension .bat) and click away:

::Printer Fix Script
net stop spooler
del /S /F “C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS\*”
del /S /F “C:\Windows\System32\spool\SERVERS\*”
net start spooler

It will prompt you several times to make sure you wish to delete queues and then pause at the end to show you how it went,
Any alterations or suggestions comment below!

Top 5 Obvious but little known useful cmdlets and IT support tricks

As an IT technician, I am often adding new quick tricks to my mental shorcuts list, here are my current top 5:

  1. Need to log onto a domain as the local PC admin but don’t know the PC name?
    Simply use ” .\” at the start of the admin username to log on as a local PC user.
  2. Powershell if PC has trust relationship
    Test-ComputerSecureChannel –Server *dc name* -Verbose
  3.  shutdown /i (-i ) remote shutdown
  4. Create big dummy file:
    Cd \sysinternalssuite
    Contig -n 2gbEmptyFile.txt 20000000
  5. For Spooler Crashes, first try below to clear all jobs
    net stop spooler
    del /S /F “C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS\*”
    net start spooler
