Enable disk performance in task manager, Windows Server

Can’t see the disk performance in task manager on a Windows Server?

There is multiple factors for disk performance not showing up, including raid cards, the server being nested on a HV or running as a VM, there is a simple quick fix though;

Step 1)
Open Elevated Command Prompt

Step 2)
Start disk performance counters:
diskperf –y

disk in task manager

With any luck, that should be it now showing in Task manager, if it does not, close and re-open it for the disk performance indicators to appear.
On occasion, you may need to re-install/install the latest raid card drivers if they are missing in order for the disk performance indicators to read and run correctly.

[SOLVED] Manually Register Acronis Backup Client for Backup Cloud

Manually Register Acronis Backup

Occasionally a backup client will disconnect, or cannot connect in the first place to obtain its backup set and process its jobs.
With pre-provisioning systems, this is often the case for certainly Mac and Linux machines.


(!) IMPORTANT: This method is NOT supported for registration of Agent for VMware (Windows)

Manually Register Acronis Backup client.
Use quotation marks, if your password contains special characters or spaces.

Windows OS
1. Open Command prompt and navigate to C:\Program Files\BackupClient\BackupAndRecovery: 
cd “C:\Program Files\BackupClient\BackupAndRecovery”
2. Issue this command to register the client machine: 
register_msp_mms.exe register https://cloud.acronis.com 

Linux OS
1. Open terminal as root user
2. Type in the following command to register the agent:
/usr/lib/Acronis/BackupAndRecovery/AmsRegisterHelper register https://cloud.acronis.com 

1. Open terminal.
2. Execute:
sudo -u root “/Library/Application Support/BackupClient/Acronis/BackupAndRecovery/AmsRegisterHelper” register https://cloud.acronis.com 


NB: if you are outwith the normal Acronis Data Centres, as i was, then replace the cloud.acronis.com URL with the URL you use to log into your dashboard. i.e. https://eu-cloud.acronis.com

[Solved] Set up a Raspberry Pi as a window display (kiosk mode)

Kiosk mode, or running big display to show ads, or company info is a big field in IT.
Sure there are multiple services and companies who will come out and install you a fancy system that you email them to update and all, but what if you just want a low cost, low energy installation that you have full control of?

Well, this was my predicament.

Below is how i set up a Raspberry Pi to run a 4K TV which was then placed on a pole mount in the window of a customers shop. (in fact i have now installed over 13 of these at various locations, all of which require minimal interaction, and are very energy efficient.

The basis is this;
1) Create info/powerpoints/video’s or whatever you wish to display in/on a managed website/url.
2) Have a low powered RPi display that simply boots straight into the website/url of your choice.

The reasons i have chosen this path are many, but the pro’s include, being able to modify and push the content on the fly, without ever having to touch or reconfigure the display or Pi and having the Pi set up in a fool proof way that even if there is a power interruption, the pi automatically reboots and runs where it left off.

Set up a Raspberry Pi as a window display (kiosk mode)

Download Image & Install


Raspbian Latest (Stretch)

Necessary Software for Kiosk Mode
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install matchbox x11-xserver-utils ttf-mscorefonts-installer xwit sqlite3 libnss3

Then reboot : sudo reboot
Installation of libgcrypt11
wget http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/cdimage/snapshot/Debian/pool/main/libg/libgcrypt11/libgcrypt11_1.5.3-5_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i libgcrypt11_1.5.3-5_armhf.deb

Installation of Chromium browser 48
sudo apt-get install chromium

# Download ffmpeg extra package
wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/234969705/chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra_48.0.2564.82-0ubuntu0.
sudo dpkg -i chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra_48.0.2564.82-0ubuntu0. \

Configure Chromium Kiosk autostart:

nano .config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart

@lxpanel --profile LXDE-pi
@pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE-pi
@chromium-browser --kiosk --disable-session-crashed-bubble --disable-infobars http://YOUR WEBSITE URL

Hit ctrl+o , ctrl+x

Disable Screen Saver
apt-get install Xscreensaver
Set to disable screensaver

Hide Cursor
Get package:
Sudo apt-get install unclutter
Run unclutter:
Unclutter -display :0 -noevents -grab

Resolution Setup:
sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Add in just under: display_rotate=1 (Or “display_rotate=0” for vertical boards)

resolution 82 1920x1080 60Hz 1080p
Or whatever resolution your Video’s/display will be showing


[Resolved] Find the startup folder in windows 10

Need to find the startup folder in windows 10?

Since Windows 8, the startup folder has been an elusive beast, but fear not, this simple command will force it to reveal itself in no time at all.

1) Win + R
2) shell:startup
3) Enter/OK

find startup folder location win 10 shell:startup

Or the path for the startup folder in windows 10:
"C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"

startup folder in windows 10