Force Active Directory replication on a domain controller

Force Active Directory replication on a domain controller

To force Active Directory replication, on the server which needs forced to update, run using elevated CMD:

repadmin /syncall /AeD

A = All Partitions
e = Cross Site (Enterprise)
D = Show server name in output.

This will initiate a pull replication.

OR if you are already on on your main DC, and need to update any other servers in the AD, you can do a push replication:

repadmin /syncall /APeD

A = All Partitions
e = Cross Site (Enterprise)
D = Show server name in output.
P = Push

The technet article with further info can be found here:

Perhaps, you like me are trying to move away from the old CMD comandlines, and migrate into PowerShell – if that is the case, bad news -currently there is no update alternative for repadmin in powershell – the Get-ADReplication commands are great for troubleshooting but offer no easy interface for updating AD.